
Films from Hong Kong by Ida Anduyan

After 10 years Ida has risen from the ashes of her blog to share something with you once again...

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Seven Travel Essentials From Muji by Ida Anduyan

The travel season is creeping in day by day and you probably have your tickets ready from those seat sales that went on a few months ago. Where to? Hong Kong? Japan? New York? Hawaii? Morocco?? It’s common sense that each destination would require you to stuff certain things in your suitcases but wherever you decide to go in the next few weeks, may that be a cold country or a tropical beach, there’s always a couple of things that are equivalent to a little black dress in every girl’s closet (or a trusty collared shirt in a guy’s case).

To address just this, I swung by one of my favorite stores, Muji, and had a look around. Muji has always been my go-to place for school supplies shopping. I’d get giddy every time I go through their notebooks, pens, pencil cases, etc and even more giddy when I whip ‘em out the classroom and use them. I love the clean and simple aesthetic vibin’ all throughout their products, it made schooling bearable and a little more fun. Now that I’ve graduated and only have my planner (which I rarely write on lately) as my analog tool, I haven’t had the need to purchase Muji’s magical (yes, they’re magical to me) notebooks and pens. However upon graduation, came traveling and if you’ve been to any Muji store, you’ll know that it’s one of the brand’s specialties. And I, being a young adult, cannot depend on my mother anymore to do my packing for me (like my little brothers do).

So yes, back to the main point, I scoured through Muji’s shelves to compile my 7 super travel essentials that I think would be essential to you guys too.

The mini organizer & the travel sized bottles

When it comes to traveling, it’s really better to travel light. Just bring enough for the trip and that includes all your skincare & haircare products. Muji has all sorts of bottles you can choose from, including bottles with volumes less than 100ml for products you need in your carry-on purse.

Another must have are these organizers so that you can categorize the stuff you have in your bag so you don’t have to dig through mixed up randoms. Toiletries in one, accessories in another, and makeup or underwear on the third pouch. Trust me, you’ll save yourself from lots of stress.


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A reliable suitcase with a matching organizer

[column-group] [column]Suitcases don’t come cheap, so if you’re going to purchase one, make sure it’s of a versatile size, something you think would be an appropriate size for most kinds of travels. Pick one that isn’t too small and not too large that you’ll come off as OA. I personally got the size between medium and large (I’m so sorry I forgot the actual numeric size) because I know my stuff would not fit in the medium one even for a 3-day trip, and I also don’t want to spoil myself with the large one because I tend to overpack most of the time (plus, like I said, avoid looking OA with a gigantic suitcase). Another important thing, when I say reliable, I also mean that it’s got to withstand several travels where the airport staff just throws it around the cargo area. Don’t waste your moolah on something that’ll make you spend more in the long run,[/column] [column]invest in some good quality suitcase and you’re good to go for years. What I especially love about Muji’s Hardcase Trolley, as shallow as it seems, is its no nonsense, streamlined, and subtle elegant look. I do want to still look put together even on the airport, and I bet this suitcase will go with about just any look.

Similar to the EVA Box Pouch, I find Muji’s Garment Case to be equally important for suitcases, especially for longer travels where you have more stuff in your bag. You can organize, say, casual clothing from the more formal ones, or separate tops from bottoms. Again, it would make things more manageable and organized.[/column] [/column-group]



The versatile parka

[column-group] [column]For me, whether you’re going to a cold country or a tropical one, it’s always wise to have something that can either be layered or wouldn’t reduce you to a sweat ball in case things get a bit chilly.[/column] [column]I’d go with Muji’s Parka than a basic hoodie anytime since this can be styled up or down depending on what you pair with it.[/column] [/column-group]


A mushy neck pillow

[column-group] [column]My mom swears by these pillows. Traveling can be exhausting so it’s good to have something handy in case you need a little power nap on your way to paradise. May it be a long car ride or flight, these neck huggers will make sure your head doesn’t wobble on some stranger’s shoulders[/column] [column]in case you aren’t seated with your companions. Nothing’s more awkward than some drooling napper’s head swaying towards you. Start the change yourself, get a pillow like this for Pete’s sake. Haha I’m kidding, but really this pillow is really comfy.[/column] [/column-group]



The carry-all

[column-group] [column]Last but certainly not the least, an all in one bag that would carry all the stuff you need handy during flights and long rides. Ideally, one should only lug around two things on airports, their trolleys/suitcases, and one carry-on bag. In my case, this contains usually contains my wallet, phone (of course), tissue, powerbank, lighting cable, blotting oil (and other kikay stuff for touchups), and camera.[/column] [column]I know this may be unapplicable to some people, but like I said, ideally.

I find Muji’s Boston bag to be just perfect for this. It’s of the right size, and it looks safe (but never boring) to match most if not all outfits. It’s also got an accesible pocket on the bag for slipping in your passport or boarding pass.[/column] [/column-group]


That, my friends, sums up my travel essentials. Just a final point I need to mention, you would think, “why Muji? There are a lot of brands that carry some travel stuff too”.

Like what I’ve mentioned above, one of my favorite things about Muji (aside from housing stuff that are of excellent quality), is how simple all their stuff is. Now simple could sometimes mean it’s plain or boring but I’ve never looked at any of Muji’s products that way. The simplicity of their stuff makes stressful daily tasks a little bit more calming, plus it looks really good. I’ve always felt that way with Muji. I mean, when you open your suitcase, would you rather have mismatched crazy printed pouches one heart shaped, one embellished with studs or structured, neutral colored, semi see through ones like Muji’s? I’d go for the latter any time.

What do you guys think? I’d like to know what you guys have in your list though, mind telling me in the comments below?

Visual Diary: Anvaya Adventure by Ida Anduyan

Sometimes there are just no words (and okay I admit sometimes I'm lazy too... kidding) so I'm doing this series, "Visual Diary" where I can share to you guys an experience, an event, my mundane day, or even my thoughts, visually through photographs. I'm gonna be babbling sometimes in between photos but yes... not so much. Last Friday was a dream. A great break from my daily life in the urban jungle. I woke up extra early than usual, around 6am, and yes, that is extra early for a night owl like myself, and rushed to get ready for the trip. Miguel and his blockmates planned a trip to Anvaya and I came along with them.

Road trip. Food trip. Warm sun-kissed skin. Sparkling pool water. Laughter. Friends. Puto bumbong by the sunset drenched beach. Read more to see our calming adventure.

DSCF7086-1 DSCF7088-2 I mentioned earlier that I woke up super early and rushed to get ready right? Well, I wasn't able to prepare my stuff the night before so the time for eating breakfast was spent on packing quickly instead. We stopped over real quick along NLEX instead and ate quickly at KFC. Grabbed some funshots on the go, too.

DSCF7094-3 DSCF7098-4 DSCF7101-5 DSCF7104-6 DSCF7105-7 DSCF7112-8

Are we there yet?

DSCF7114-9 Touchdown, Anvaya! My superman carrying all our bags. He wouldn't let me carry mine.

DSCF7120-10 DSCF7122-11 The boys' mini reunion.

DSCF7125-12 DSCF7126-13 DSCF7130-14 DSCF7131-15 What welcomed us upon entering deeper into the clubhouse. What a lovely view... and the water looks so welcoming given that it was so hot that day.

DSCF7132-16 DSCF7137-17 Raging sunrays calls for lots and lots of sunblock!

DSCF7141-19 DSCF7150-20 IMG_5661-21 DSCF7156-22 The company <3

DSCF7157-23 DSCF7159-24 DSCF7161-25 DSCF7162-26 In all honesty, I've never seen a beach so clean and calm. I haven't explored a lot of beaches yet though, the best one I've been to was Hundred Islands. Also clean and calm, but quite scary probably because each island feels so isolated from civilization.

DSCF7172-27 IMG_5659-28 DSCF7179-29 DSCF7180-30 DSCF7187-31 DSCF7196-32 DSCF7199-33 DSCF7201-34 Loving my view from here.

IMG_5662-36 Little oopsie my bikini tag is showing moment right here. Haha.

DSCF7240-39 IMG_5658-47copy Does this look majesticcasual looking enough? Featuring the clear sparkly water?

IMG_5660-37 DSCF7231-38 IMG_5657-46 DSCF7253-40 After swimming in the pool, we decided to eat some lunch while waiting for the sun to calm down so we can swim in the beach. The smoked salmon carbonara was so delish!

IMG_5656-45 IMG_5655-44 IMG_5654-43 DSCF7285-41 We shot some hoops by the shore before indulging in the beach. You can actually do a lot of other stuff, there was a space where you could play football, volleyball, and there were also kayaks you could rent!

DSCF7290-42 Darkness came, we showered, and went home. That was basically how my Friday went down. It'd be nice to have more days like this!

How about you guys? How did you spend your Friday just a few days ago? Tell me in comments below!