
Visual Diary: Anvaya Adventure by Ida Anduyan

Sometimes there are just no words (and okay I admit sometimes I'm lazy too... kidding) so I'm doing this series, "Visual Diary" where I can share to you guys an experience, an event, my mundane day, or even my thoughts, visually through photographs. I'm gonna be babbling sometimes in between photos but yes... not so much. Last Friday was a dream. A great break from my daily life in the urban jungle. I woke up extra early than usual, around 6am, and yes, that is extra early for a night owl like myself, and rushed to get ready for the trip. Miguel and his blockmates planned a trip to Anvaya and I came along with them.

Road trip. Food trip. Warm sun-kissed skin. Sparkling pool water. Laughter. Friends. Puto bumbong by the sunset drenched beach. Read more to see our calming adventure.

DSCF7086-1 DSCF7088-2 I mentioned earlier that I woke up super early and rushed to get ready right? Well, I wasn't able to prepare my stuff the night before so the time for eating breakfast was spent on packing quickly instead. We stopped over real quick along NLEX instead and ate quickly at KFC. Grabbed some funshots on the go, too.

DSCF7094-3 DSCF7098-4 DSCF7101-5 DSCF7104-6 DSCF7105-7 DSCF7112-8

Are we there yet?

DSCF7114-9 Touchdown, Anvaya! My superman carrying all our bags. He wouldn't let me carry mine.

DSCF7120-10 DSCF7122-11 The boys' mini reunion.

DSCF7125-12 DSCF7126-13 DSCF7130-14 DSCF7131-15 What welcomed us upon entering deeper into the clubhouse. What a lovely view... and the water looks so welcoming given that it was so hot that day.

DSCF7132-16 DSCF7137-17 Raging sunrays calls for lots and lots of sunblock!

DSCF7141-19 DSCF7150-20 IMG_5661-21 DSCF7156-22 The company <3

DSCF7157-23 DSCF7159-24 DSCF7161-25 DSCF7162-26 In all honesty, I've never seen a beach so clean and calm. I haven't explored a lot of beaches yet though, the best one I've been to was Hundred Islands. Also clean and calm, but quite scary probably because each island feels so isolated from civilization.

DSCF7172-27 IMG_5659-28 DSCF7179-29 DSCF7180-30 DSCF7187-31 DSCF7196-32 DSCF7199-33 DSCF7201-34 Loving my view from here.

IMG_5662-36 Little oopsie my bikini tag is showing moment right here. Haha.

DSCF7240-39 IMG_5658-47copy Does this look majesticcasual looking enough? Featuring the clear sparkly water?

IMG_5660-37 DSCF7231-38 IMG_5657-46 DSCF7253-40 After swimming in the pool, we decided to eat some lunch while waiting for the sun to calm down so we can swim in the beach. The smoked salmon carbonara was so delish!

IMG_5656-45 IMG_5655-44 IMG_5654-43 DSCF7285-41 We shot some hoops by the shore before indulging in the beach. You can actually do a lot of other stuff, there was a space where you could play football, volleyball, and there were also kayaks you could rent!

DSCF7290-42 Darkness came, we showered, and went home. That was basically how my Friday went down. It'd be nice to have more days like this!

How about you guys? How did you spend your Friday just a few days ago? Tell me in comments below!

Seasalt Trippin' by Ida Anduyan

Frankly, I'm not really a beach type of person. I do enjoy going to the beach given that the following conditions are met:

  • The shore is clean
  • No creepy icky seaweed stuff (I do hope it's just seaweed) floating around.
  • Definitely no rocks and corals I could step on. They freak me out.

But hey, in spite of all these conditions of mine, I'm still a very versatile person. I enjoy what's given to me, especially if it's an experience with my family. Also, let's be real here, who doesn't like beach photos?

Photo 5-7-15, 1 01 08 AM Photo 5-7-15, 1 01 05 AM Photo 5-7-15, 1 01 15 AM

Photo 5-7-15, 12 52 01 AM

Photo 5-7-15, 5 33 03 AM Photo 5-7-15, 5 33 40 AM

Swimsuit by Holy Skull | Denim shorts by High Five Brands | Bucket hat is thifted

Went away from the usual bikinis and summer's very trendy crochet pieces and went for a graphic one piece suit, high waisted garter shorts when I was off-shore, and an army green bucket hat that I got for P40 (thrift shopping is hella awesome). If there was streetwear for swimwear, this is definitely how it would look like.

I'd like to know though, am I the only one creeped out by corals and floating seaweed? Tell me in the comments below!

Photo credits to my mom and my brother, Idu Anduyan.