
Locals Only by Ida Anduyan

I feel like I always go on an indefinite hiatus after every post I make here… and I am so sorry for that but hey, I’m back with an outfit post! Topshop just had its end of season sale recently and I made sure to go to the first day early so that I’ll get all the good stuff (evil laugh). I even made my mom promise the night before that we would go no matter what. Yep, I was that desperate. Anyway, a lot of really nice pieces were marked 50% off. I picked up three pieces and one of them was this lovely floral jersey top I had my eyes on since Topshop first released them. I wanted them so bad but then my mom insisted we should wait for the sale. I was all, “For sure di na aabot sa sale yan.” surprisingly enough, few pieces were left unsold ♥

Photo 6-25-14, 6 40 41 AM Photo 6-25-14, 6 41 37 AM Floral Jersey Top - Topshop | Penny board - Melrose boardshop

Photo 6-25-14, 6 42 30 AM Photo 6-25-14, 6 42 52 AM Moroccan bracelet set - a lovely gift from Edge Co

Photo 6-25-14, 6 44 34 AM Photo 6-25-14, 6 43 14 AM Gold chain necklace - also a gift from Kalifourne

Photo 6-25-14, 6 43 54 AM Plain black snapback - Black Bakery

Photo 6-25-14, 6 45 12 AM White sneakers - Converse

How about you guys? Did you also drop by the latest Topshop sale? If you didn’t, don’t fret ‘cause for sure they’ll have a “further reduction” sale soon. Also I think they have that P500 off on denim promo going on right now. If you did drop by, what did you pick up? Tell me in the comments below! Byee!

Baguio 2014 - Deux Jours by Ida Anduyan

This post is long overdue! Second day of our annual Baguio trip last February… yes, February. Sorry, I know I’m lazy. The second day is where all the Alumni go to their campus, the Philippine Military Academy and just basically see all their classmates, march on the grandstand, and have picnics with their class.

A friend actually commented how I could take wearing shorts when it was so cold that day. Deep inside my mind, I was like “I do it for fashion” (LOL).

Inner cropped shirt from Black Bakery. If you follow me on Instagram, I know you guys can notice how in love I am with basics right now. Plain white shirts should be in every girl’s wardrobe <3

Photo 2-7-14, 9 13 04 PM Bag from Louis Vuitton. A hand-me-down from my mother. I love this bag. It goes well with everything — from dainty sandals to sneakers to snapbacks… it’s just so damn versatile.

Photo 2-7-14, 11 55 29 PM Jacket from Forever 21. I’ve been searching high and low for a denim jacket with cotton sleeves. Thank God I found this. The patches make it extra cute and coming from Forever 21, it’s slightly easy on my wallet.

Photo 2-8-14, 1 49 59 AMPhoto 2-8-14, 1 50 23 AM My ever loyal, always abused gold chain necklace. Also from Forever 21. The gold color is actually starting to fade already… Yes it’s not real gold (duh) haha. I’m currently looking for a good replacement and I think I’ve found one already….

Photo 2-8-14, 1 55 53 AM Shorts from Zara. These were really a great buy. A girl needs dainty, non-denim shorts once in a while. I really hope to find more shorts like these in the future.

Photo 2-8-14, 1 54 36 AM Roshe Runs from Nike. Contrasting girly and athletic pieces is always a super great idea. For me anyway.

After the parade we took our traditional yearly photo with the giant cadet hat and other accessories (google it if you don’t know what I’m talking about), we rested for a while in our cabin, then we went to the market to buy some veggies for dinner. Cold weather, hot steamy food, and the night went on.

Photos by Idu Anduyan

Baguio 2014 - Jour Une by Ida Anduyan

Our annual Baguio visit just passed and of course, I’m back with another outfit post! I know I’ve been gone for a long time and my blog really looks outdated. Ew. I want to fill you guys up with all the details with what I’ve been up to lately but…. let’s save that for a later time, shall we. Hehe.

Oh and yes, my butt long hair is gone. I’m kind of over it though. I’m just happy I’ll have another shot of growing healthy hair.

Nuff babbling. This year we arrived in Baguio earlier than usual. We usually arrive when the sun’s down already so I took the chance, grabbed my brother, and handed him my camera. A few blackmails here and there and viola. (LOL)

IMG_2592 Top by Keysas. I appreciate marijuana prints even though I’m against using them for recreational teenage trips. I’m such a poser, I know. The jacket is from Forever 21. Stylish and functional. Keeps me warm without necessarily covering everything up.

IMG_2651IMG_2659 Gold chain necklace by Forever 21

IMG_2660 High waist jeans by Topshop

IMG_2661 All white sneakers by Eleven Nineteen. I have to be honest I didn’t really like all white sneakers before. They’re kind of impractical and remind me of tennis. Well, I had a change of heart. I love them! I’m planning to get the Vans version of this (if I can actually find one).

IMG_2670 Cat phone case by Forever 21. I’m obsessed with phone cases. Don’t ask me how many I have now. I lost count.

I forgot to mention that the reason we go to Baguio every year is because of the PMA Alumni Homecoming. I look forward to this trip every year… not only is the weather in Baguio great, but it’s nice to bond with the family somewhere out of town and see old childhood friends and fellow “anak din ng mga PMAyers” friends. If you’re one you’d understand, a vast community with one thing in common. That you’re kind linked because of your parent’s history. Haha okay, I’ll stop babbling. Bye for now!

Photos by Idu Anduyan

Black and White flowers by Ida Anduyan

Last November 2 was not only All Soul’s day for our family, but it was also our bunso’s birthday ♥ The day before, me & my mom went floral clothing shopping at Fashion Market and boy, did she haul all the pretty florals in sight! Here’s our family ootd wearing our floral clothes.

For this day, the original plan was to buy Udo’s gift, watch Thor 2, then have dinner at Viking’s but well, we moved sluggishly so we weren’t able to watch the movie anymore. We just hung out by the bay and waited for 5:30 so we can finally eat all we caaan. Haha.

We brought our cruisers with us because I suggested to my brothers that we should skate while waiting but the pavement was too rough for our taste (arte lol).

_MG_0832 _MG_08432

Penny pastel by Melrose Boarshop | Black cami by Forever 21 | Floral bomber jacket by Mastermind Manila


I’m actually quite pissed right now over a little thing. Get ready to be irritated because it seems so O.A. of me. I’m obsessing over my Penny’s scratches. I know it’s only natural for a skateboard to have scratches, but the way I ride mine, I ride in the most basic way possible man, it shouldn’t have scratches yet. One more thing, it has scratches under the deck, in the freaking middle, and I’m like, “How the hell did this scratch get here?!”. Ohhh I get stressed just thinking about it. I’m sorry, I know I’m O.C. haha.

Forever favorite black sneakers from Cotton On


Gold Calculator watch from Casio. I’ve been wearing this watch everyday since the day I got it. It’s funny. Haha. If you guys want a watch like this, contact my friend Gio Gonzales. She sells Casio watches and a whole lot of other stuff (iPhones, iTouch, shoes, Whey protein etc.) help her pass her majors by buying from her! :D

White skull bracelet from Black Bakery


Versace inspired gold chains from Coition Clothing. They actually sent me this necklace along with a teal blazer as a gift. I was so surprised and very grateful! It’s my first time :’) Again, thank you, Coition Clothing for this. Go check out their instagram guys. They sell really cute pieces at affordable prices ♥


Denim high waist shorts from Vanilla Breeze. What can i say? I love the brand and I loooove their shorts :D

What about you guys? How did you spend your November 2nd? Aside from praying for our beloved who have already passed, of course.