Baguio 2014 - Deux Jours / by Ida Anduyan

This post is long overdue! Second day of our annual Baguio trip last February… yes, February. Sorry, I know I’m lazy. The second day is where all the Alumni go to their campus, the Philippine Military Academy and just basically see all their classmates, march on the grandstand, and have picnics with their class.

A friend actually commented how I could take wearing shorts when it was so cold that day. Deep inside my mind, I was like “I do it for fashion” (LOL).

Inner cropped shirt from Black Bakery. If you follow me on Instagram, I know you guys can notice how in love I am with basics right now. Plain white shirts should be in every girl’s wardrobe <3

Photo 2-7-14, 9 13 04 PM Bag from Louis Vuitton. A hand-me-down from my mother. I love this bag. It goes well with everything — from dainty sandals to sneakers to snapbacks… it’s just so damn versatile.

Photo 2-7-14, 11 55 29 PM Jacket from Forever 21. I’ve been searching high and low for a denim jacket with cotton sleeves. Thank God I found this. The patches make it extra cute and coming from Forever 21, it’s slightly easy on my wallet.

Photo 2-8-14, 1 49 59 AMPhoto 2-8-14, 1 50 23 AM My ever loyal, always abused gold chain necklace. Also from Forever 21. The gold color is actually starting to fade already… Yes it’s not real gold (duh) haha. I’m currently looking for a good replacement and I think I’ve found one already….

Photo 2-8-14, 1 55 53 AM Shorts from Zara. These were really a great buy. A girl needs dainty, non-denim shorts once in a while. I really hope to find more shorts like these in the future.

Photo 2-8-14, 1 54 36 AM Roshe Runs from Nike. Contrasting girly and athletic pieces is always a super great idea. For me anyway.

After the parade we took our traditional yearly photo with the giant cadet hat and other accessories (google it if you don’t know what I’m talking about), we rested for a while in our cabin, then we went to the market to buy some veggies for dinner. Cold weather, hot steamy food, and the night went on.

Photos by Idu Anduyan