
Rocco + Ruru by Ida Anduyan

Photography, direction, styling, and post-processing by mebut hell no, this shoot isn't possible without the team I toiled with.

Pardon me for getting sidetracked at the very beginning of this post, but I'd just like to dwell on the fact that writing isn't really my forte, a fact that may be obvious in this visual heavy, yet "short & sweet texted" entry. Well, at least I'm good at inventing these non existent "phrases" to mask my not so wide vocabulary. I can write, but between other things I can do, it's not exactly my specialty. Consider this a warning, though I do have high hopes for the visuals of this entry.

Now back to the reason for this post.

Get this, I just styled & shot Rocco & Ruru. Yeah, that just happened.

I was given the opportunity to style two of GMA's biggest stars who also happen to star in the remake of one of the most popular Fantaserye in Philippine Television. Though "styling" turns out to be a massive summary of my role. Later on (literally a few days before the shoot), I was informed that I would be basically in charge of the whole shoot. My responsibility escaping self went through minor hysterics.

I know you guys are dying (kidding) to see the photos, but please don't scroll past this as I'd like to recount the hardship I went through while pulling out the clothes for this shoot. A million thank yous aren't enough to thank my ever loyal friend, Duff, who spent 6 hours with me walking up and down Bonifacio High Street, carrying 10+ uber heavy paper bags in the midst of our then incomprehensible, humid, Philippine weather. Oh and I was wearing this really fluffy sweater + jeans + boots cause the weather looked gloomy while I was dressing up. How deceitful.

So a big shoutout to all stylists out there and their loyal friends who're ever so supportive of their stylist friend's endeavours.

SEC For the first set, I dressed the two stars based on their profile sprinkled with a teeny bit of my style.

Both heartthrobs who are adored by females (and perhaps males) all over the Philippines Islands, yet different in their own sense. Rocco being the fit, brooding, mature moreno, and Ruru being the teen, Spiderman-esque lanky tisoy.

DSCF9194-1 Rocco wears button down shirt and khaki chino pants from Cotton On, wristwatch and spectacles from Aldo, and lace up boots from Pedro.

I dressed Rocco in a safe yet classic ensemble — A midnight blue button down shirt, paired with khaki chino pants, and accessorized with a brown leather strapped wrist watch. Finished off with rounded spectacles and lace up boots the same color of the watch for a contemporary touch.

DSCF9197-2 DSCF9201-3 DSCF9206-5 DSCF9227-10 copy DSCF9219-7 DSCF9222-8 DSCF9229-11 copy DSCF9236-13 Ruru wears polo shirt and sneakers from American Eagle Outfitters, black parka from Factorie, and khaki shorts from Cotton On

As for Ruru, I took into account his teenage charm. The iconic "Taft conyo outfit" popped in my head. A polo shirt, paired with slim cut shorts, but instead of the usual combo including a pair of loafers or boats, I replaced the shoes with grayish taupe sneakers and added in a parka for some street style vibe.

DSCF9238-14 DSCF9289-24 copy DSCF9267-20 DSCF9269-21 Untitled-2 DSCF9278-22 sec2 Ive failed to mention this earlier, but the location and feel of each set is based on the aesthetics closest to me. The first one having that clean white + foliage thing going on and this second one, a clean, light and airy pastel vibe.

DSCF9304-25 In the first set, I've considered both Rocco & Ruru's profile & possible (hehe) personal style, but for this set I only considered my vision (insert evil laugh here... kidding).

Now I've came across a comment saying "Nahhh that's not what a skater dude looks like" blah blah blah. My vision may be distorted but hey this is my shoot, my blog, and when I say this is my idea of a skater dude in an alternate pastel universe, then it will be.

Convictions aside, I think this makes for a quirky chill outfit on hot, sweaty days.

DSCF9305-26 Ruru wears pink shirt, shorts, and sneakers from Cotton On, and floral cap from Aldo. Socks are stylist's own.

Rocco & Ruru's outfit are pretty similar for this set, but Ruru's lies more on the lighter color palette. I know I've already mentioned this a bajillion times, but pastel pink, light colored denim, and clean, cloud white sneakers make a great, foolproof combo. Topped with a blue and white printed headgear and dual hued striped socks to break off the plain colored monotony.

DSCF9316-29 yo DSCF9324-30 DSCF9342-37 Rocco wears shirt and shoes from Cotton on, board shorts from Factorie, and bracelets from Aldo. Socks are stylist's own.

As for Rocco, whom I know is very much into fitness, a knowledge I got from "researching" on his Instagram and from having a little chat over breakfast, wore board shorts instead of denim ones. I feel like the the shirt and layered bracelet gave him more of a surfer dude appeal? Have I mentioned that I absolutely adore tops with statement backs?

DSCF9354-44 DSCF9355-45 yo2 DSCF9332-31 DSCF9335-32 DSCF9336-33 DSCF9337-34 DSCF9338-35 DSCF9341-36 DSCF9344-38 DSCF9345-39 DSCF9346-40 DSCF9347-41 DSCF9349-42 I should also mention how much it was a breeze to work with Rocco and Ruru. As talented actors and regulars on the spotlight, of course these two knew exactly how to pose and project. They were especially fun and light to be with too, in my case, it was most fun to shoot the second set, my favorite shots being the candid, laughing ones.

A special thank you to the GMA crew and Dianne who tagged along with us during the shoot. Many thanks to Bench's Global brands for the clothes. To Rocco & Ruru, if you get the chance to read this, thanks for being such great sports during the shoot and for doing a great job! Last but definitely not the least, to my forever supportive boyfriend who skipped worked just to assist, accompany, drive, and help me create last minute outfits for this shoot. Love you, Miguel.

If you want to more of Rocco & Ruru, better watch out for the premiere of Encantadia on July 18, GMA channel.

DSCF9371-1 So tell me, how did you like (or dislike) this shoot? Let me know in the comments below!

How to wear denim this Spring by Ida Anduyan

Photos by Zedrik Europe

Spring is here! In Philippine context, that means we say bye to our cloudy afternoons and chilly nights, and say hello to the blistering midday heat, 6:30 PM sunsets, and humid nights that got us sweating balls.

I've been fascinated with the Autumn/Winter line the local stores have been releasing. The warm camels and maroons, luxurious suede and other cozy materials. However with our current high temperature days ahead, I think wearing the latter would be self-torture. So I paid a visit to one of my favorite stores, Forever 21, and hauled a lot from their light pastel clothing and denim collection... the perfect pair for a bright sunny day.

Read more to see 3 quick looks on how you can style the most versatile of versatile clothes.

Look #1: Street Chill

I don't know what was up with this day but it was just super hot to the point that I really didn't want to dress up anymore. Just kidding, I wanted to dress up, but in the most comfy and I-just-randomly-pulled-these-pieces-from-my-closet kind of way. I wanted to wear less fabric, but didn't want anything tight fitting or something I couldn't move in without worrying if my butt cheeks were showing — thus, the boy shorts.

This outfit was really refreshing and something new to be honest. I remembering vowing not to wear shorts that weren't short shorts. I mean, what was the point of wearing shorts when they weren't short, right? But nah, these felt great. Thank you Kendall Jenner for your inspiration. I also remember telling myself I wouldn't wear two bright colors at the same time. I was afraid I might look messy and not put together overall but I guess that's the magic of soft pastel colors.

What I'm wearing:

Cap by Supahshop | Top & Boy Shorts from Forever 21 | Shoes by Adidas | Specs by Shade.specs

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Look #2: Dressy Classy

When people think of denim, they usually associate it with being casual, informal, and other things along that line. If you want to dress up with denim, you might want to check out this ensemble.

I wore this for MAC's event. Good thing I decided to dress up 'cause boy, that was one of a hella fancy event but yes of course, it's MAC after all. I think pairing a clean piece with a good pair of heels and a sleek purse automatically makes something a little bit appropriate for the champagne and fancy finger food. Topped it with matching brown scarf, watch, and belt.

What I'm wearing:

Jumpsuit by Forever 21 | Scarf & Bag by Céline |Belt & Shoes by Charles & Keith | Watch by Triwa

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Look #3: Chic Chill

This look is pretty similar to the first look. However if you're the type who's a bit one the frilly lace-y side, you might prefer this one instead.

Boyfriend jeans are usually paired with equally boyish pieces. loose or fitted plain shirts, tanks, or a button down shirt. Why not go for something completely contrasting from the worn down slouchy look of these borrowed jeans? Think: lazy Coachella minus all the crazy fringes and bling + sneakers.

What I'm wearing:

Necklace, Top, and Jeans by Forever 21 | Shoes by Adidas

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Which of the three looks do you prefer or scream 'you'? Do you think these ensembles are sunny day friendly enough? Let me know in comments below!

Also, be sure to check out Forever 21's racks when you can. Last time I checked, They have loads of new denim and beach/music festival appropriate pieces (and a lot are coming by the way).


Special thanks to my friends Zedrik Europe for taking all these breathtaking photos and Duff Orate for assisting me during shoots. It took us three days to create all these photos and it wouldn't be possible without these two ♥