
My two cents on Instagram's big update by Ida Anduyan

Disclaimer: I am no pro with algorithms, coding, social media, and any other similar field. This post simply states my opinion and I am speaking from observation and experience as a social media user since grade school :P As of now, I still can't decide whether I like the upcoming update or not. Yes, I do think that it's true. It's not a rumor, and I think Instagram's owner, a.k.a. the owners of Facebook, are decided on pushing through with it. However, like all major changes in any platform, it won't happen one time big time. They will roll it out slowly, testing bugs as they go through and with the sudden panic of Instagrammers big and small all over the world, I think Instagram has taken a step back and is currently testing out the waters.

So here's two sides of my story, what I like, and what I dislike about this big 'ole update.

What I like:

I'll be able to see more of my favorites, if they post at a time I wasn't scrolling through the timeline, I'll still be able to see their posts upfront when I open the app since Instagram's new algorithm will recognize that I am fond of checking this person's/brand's account or that I always have regular engagements with them. That's cool right? Instagram but smarter! However, that isn't really the reason why this app has been wildly popular in this era.

What I dislike:

Long story short: it's redundant. This smart algorithm is perfect for Facebook since the platform uses the friendship system. When a person requests to be a friend, you both get updates from each other (although there's an update where you can 'unfollow' a friend and you won't see their posts in your timeline. Like I said these updates and features are really redundant). What if you want to be virtually friends with this person but don't really want to see all their annoying posts flooding your timeline? Like in real life, friendship is two way, mutual, and so the selective algorithm is just the solution for this, where Facebook displays updates from people you regularly interact with. However with Instagram, it's a whole different story. Instagram doesn't have the friend request thing. It a follower-following thing. When a person follows you, you don't necessarily have to follow them back if you don't like to see updates from them or you don't like their content. The proposed algorithm is a perfect fit for Facebook, but it's redundancy at its finest when you apply it on Instagram. Of course you'd like to see updates from @username real time, that's why you followed them in the first place. If I change my mind and refuse to see updates from them, I can always unfollow them.

Also, I think each social media platform has its own specialty and it sucks that these developers are making them very similar with each other.

Now, like I said, I'm still not decided if I like it. It has good points and bad. A tailored feed has its charm and it's nice to see your favorites upfront, but an unbiased, real time feed where you get to discover more about all the people you follow effortlessly just by scrolling through your feed also has its own thing. Either way, I love Instagram and I definitely won't let an update stop me from sharing content to my readers :)

What about you? What do you think about this big Instagram update and all the madness that's coming with it?