
Songs to Cry The Whole Day To by Ida Anduyan

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for the damaged;

I know most of my readers have already experienced this. That gnashing feeling in your chest, the loneliness eating your thoughts, the eternal tears running down your cheeks. We've all been through a terrible heartbreak.

You're confused and dazed, so many questions running through your head, some you have absolutely no idea what the answer is, some you know the answer to but refuse to accept it. How are you supposed to function when you feel like this? How are you supposed to do the things you need to everyday when you can't take off your thoughts over that person who broke your insides into a million pieces. Damaged, asking why? why? why?

Being okay and moving on is never easy. If it was easy, then it wasn't real. Don't worry, no one's rushing you. You can take baby steps, and the first step, based on my experience, is to cry it all out. Don't block away the pain, don't turn away from every terrible thought, let the cocktail of sadness and anger flow out of your eyes.

For those who want to take the first step, I compiled these tear jerking, super feels songs for you guys. My sawi songs when I was at my lowest of lows. Listen carefully and feel every line of the songs, and I hope at least one of them relates to your heartaches.

You'll be okay.

The Playlist: Current Favorites #1 by Ida Anduyan

[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /] When I’m bored, aside from the usual stuff like tweeting, eating, sleeping, and font downloading spree, I also go on a semi-underground music downloading spree. So I’ve decided to add this little bonus on my blog where I share to you guys the songs I find in my dazed lazy days and also from my friends (usually from Duffie). So hurrah to my new series — The Playlist.

The Playlist would contain a random bunch of my current favorites like this, or it could be a specific playlist for a specific situation. Good music fixes my mood every time, so I’m spreading the good vibes! Nuff chit chat, go listen!